Basically, our project is an acousto-optic video with audio-visual effect. We changed the arrangement of music in Beat Maker Go and used music visualization technique in Processing, at last combined the visual fragment in After Effects.
Why we combine the sound and visual image with technology? As a form to express auditory art, music has walked into people's daily life, but also interacted with other disciplines. The artist today working with sound has a huge array of tool to work with, they use the computer as a tool for the algorithmic and computer-assisted composition of music. And the intend behind our works is to explore the interaction between sound and visual circulation, by interacting sound created by human, and generating image by sound.
The piano keys are only black and white, but they can play the most beautiful movement in the world, our works also use black and white to visualize music. We used black as background and white geometric patterns such as line, circle to achieve sound visualization. Black and white is very opposite but they summarize the colorful word into a unified one,they are the final abstraction of color, which can explore many philosophical things like eternity.
And our motif is about chaos & nihility. Chaos originates from Chinese Taoism, which is the most primitive state of all things, including nihility and eternity. During this 40 seconds works, the music allows the patterns to transform from the very beginning, to development and then reach a climax, finally return to intense quiet when the music stops. To do this video, we tried to explain the idea that “nihility comes from chaos, and chaos ends up in nihility.” In our works, we used the patterns to depict the state of disorder and confusion; also the condition of unreality and desolation.

Di fede, D. (2007). Compartmental. Retrieved 5 December, 2018, from http://code.compartmental.net/
Di Fede, D. (2007). Minim. Retrieved from http://code.compartmental.net/minim/index.html
Githubcom. (2018). GitHub. Retrieved 5 December, 2018, from https://github.com/CodingTrain/website
Group 2
Chen Xuecong
Li Jiazhi
Wang Yanmei
Cao Zhidan